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Your 5Days Safari is 4Nights/5days. It offers two national parks and two Heritage sites; Kibale Forest National Park, Semuliki National Park, Tooro Kingdom and Amabere Caves.  Kibale Forest National Park “The primate capital of the World”, is located in Western Uganda, Kabarole District; well known for its population of habituated chimpanzees and twelve species of primates such as red tailed colobus monkeys, blue monkeys, olive baboons, grey cheeked mangabeys and many more. Kibale Forest National Park provides the best Chimpanzee trekking experience in Uganda and Africa. While at Kibale, you will engage in chimpanzee trekking and Bigodi Wetland Sanctuary. You will also visit Heritage sites; Tooro Kingdom and Amabere Caves in Fort Portal.

From Kibale, you will head to Semuliki National Park “The True Birders’ Haven” located in Bundibugyo District, Western ‎Uganda hosting 441 recorded bird species and 53 mammals and with more than 300 species of butterflies. While in Semuliki, you will enjoy a nature walk. Visit Sempaya Hot springs and have a great cultural experience of Batwa of Ntandi.

DAY 1: Transfer to Kibale National Park – Tooro Kingdom – Amabere Caves
DAY 2: Chimpanzee Tracking – Bigodi Wetland Sanctuary  
DAY 3: Transfer to Semuliki National Park – Nature Walk
Day 4: Sempaya Hot springs – Batwa of Ntandi
Day 5: Transfer back to Kampala from Semuliki


Day 1

Transfer to Kibale Forest National Park, Tooro Kingdom and Visit Amabere Caves

Our well-trained Zazu Africa Safaris tour driver/guide will pick you up from your residence around 6:30am and drive you to Kibale Forest National Park; It’s about 5 -6 hours. You will drive through towns of Mitiyana, Mubende and Kyenjojo. Enjoy beautiful views of landscapes, tea plantation, natural forests and swamps. Enjoy the late lunch in Fort Portal.

After lunch you embark on a heritage tour at Tooro Kingdom in Fort Portal. Tooro kingdom was founded by the Omukama Kaboyo Olimi I who was the oldest son of the Omukama of Bunyoro Nyamutukura Kyebambe III of Bunyoro.

Thereafter drive to Kibale Forest National Park. On arrival check in at your lodge for dinner and overnight.

• Transfer to Kibale Forest National Park
• Visit Tooro Kingdom
• Visit Amabere Caves

Other awesome optional activities
• Nocturnal walk in Kibale Forest National Park
• Cycling tour in Mpaga Tea Estate

Day 2

Chimpanzee trekking and Bigodi Wetland Sanctuary

After a very early breakfast, your tour driver/guide will drive you to the park head office for a briefing about the endangered chimpanzees and after embark on this great experience that starts at 8am. You will enter the forest with the guidance of a park ranger along with your tracking gears, packed water and snacks. Chimpanzee tracking takes about 2-5 hours in search of the chimpanzees and given 1hour for contact time. The chance of locating them is 95%. On finding the primates, you will spend 1 hour viewing them while studying their behavior and taking pictures.

After refreshening, connect for a nature walk in Bigodi wetland Sanctuary; rich in biodiversity and scenic beauty. The wetland is a home to Great Blue Turaco also an awesome place for bird watchers. You will get to enjoy walking through the wetland which has a variety of bird species including Kingfishers, Turacos, Parrots and many more.

Activities and services:-
• Chimpanzee Trekking
• Bigodi Wetland Sanctuary

Other awesome optional activities
• Chimpanzee Habituation Experience (CHEX)

Day 3

Transfer to Semuliki National Park and nature walk

After breakfast, your tour guide/driver will pick you up from your lodge and drive you to Semuliki National Park. You will drive through the tourism city “Fort Portal” and as you’re approaching the park; you will be welcomed by the beautiful scenic views of Mountain Rwenzori “The Mountain of the Moons”. On arrival, you will check in at your lodge and have lunch.

After lunch you will go for a nature walk in Semuliki National Park that will expose you to a range of primates including blue and red-tailed monkeys, black and white colobus monkeys, vervet monkeys and many more. Also look out for beautiful birdlife; out of 1073 birds recorded in Uganda, the park has 441 bird species; 35 Congo-Guinea biome species found nowhere else in East Africa and these include white-bellied Kingfisher, Western Bronze-naped Pigeon, Spot-breasted Ibis, Nkulengu Rail and many more. The park also has a number of wildlife. Enjoy and take more photos.

Activities and services:-
• Transfer to Semuliki National Park
• Nature Walk in Semuliki National Park
Other awesome optional activities
• Birding
• Primate Walk

Day 4

Sempaya Hot springs and Batwa of Ntandi

After breakfast, you will visit the two Sempaya Hot Springs; the male called Bintente and the female called Nyasimbi. The reason as to why they are male and female it’s believed they come from the Bamaga clan’s folk lore; they believe that their female ancestors live under Nyasimbi and their male ancestors under Bintente. The female spring is dominated by a geyser that sprays water to a height of up to 2 meters and the male spring is a pool of hot water. The temperature of the water in both springs reaches 100 degrees Celsius and you can cook food in the springs; you will be given a chance to boil eggs or bananas and after taste when they are ready. You will be able to see beautiful birds, butterflies and wildlife while walking to find the two hot springs

After head back to your lodge to have lunch. After lunch, you will visit the Batwa of Ntandi who are hunter gatherers found in Ntandi, Semuliki National Park. They will showcase their cultural heritage through dance, storytelling and other demonstrations. Enjoy this cultural experience, interact with them and take pictures.

After your tour driver/guide will drive you back to your lodge for relaxation, dinner and overnight.

Activities and services:-
• Sempaya Hot Springs
• Visit Batwa of Ntandi

Day 5

Transfer back to Kampala

After breakfast your tour driver/guide will drive you back to Kampala/Entebbe International Airport.

  • All accommodations
  • All activities, unless indicated as optional
  • All transportation (Unless labeled as optional)
  • Meals (As specified in the day-by-day section)
  • Taxes / VAT
  • Park fees
  • Domestic flights
  • Additional accommodation before and at the end of the tour
  • International flights
  • Personal items (Souvenirs, travel insurance, visa fees, etc.)
  • Tips (Tipping guideline US$10.00 pp per day)

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